Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Response #3: Daniel Pink

  1. What are your take-aways from this video? I took away a lot from this video. Daniel Pink is very smart in his ways of communication and his speech was very well written. He talks about how a reward doesn't exactly motivate the rewarded, but weakens the performance of the task performer. If I ever go into managment, I would definitely watch this video for effective techniques on performing in my company.
  2. What are the speaker's effective speaking techniques? This is probably my favorite category for Daniel Pink. He is an excellent speaker and involves the audience in his speech. He projects while talking like an expert. His jokes are understood by the audience. I admire his speaking techniques because they make his speech even better. Over the past few TED Talk videos I have watched, I have discovered that one of the most important things to do while talking is make jokes that the audience understands because it keeps them interested while giving their brain a break from a flood of information.
  3. What is his/her presentation style? His presentation style is casual. He is loud sometimes and that is an effective speaking style when reaching towards the audience. Once in his speech he actually yelled at the audience with such passion for his subject that it was my favorite part of the speech because it reached out to me the most. I really felt his emotion through his tone. He had props on the stage but didn't ever use them.... Maybe they belonged to a different TED Talk. That somewhat bothered me and that's the only thing I would change about his presentation style.
  4. What matters from this video? How does it connect to you personally? To education? To the world? This video is extremely significant. It was repetitive to me because I have read about everything he says already in his book, A Whole New Mind. He talks about how the future will be more right-brained, and Asia is taking over left-brained jobs that Americans do for more pay. He also talks about rewards weakening the performance put into a task. It connects to me because I am right-brained and lean more towards right-brained professions. It matters to education because

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