Friday, April 15, 2011

Response #1: Sir Ken Robinson

  1. What are your take-aways from this video? There are many things that the speaker gestures and talks about in this video that are notable for success while speaking. His concepts about education are important and make sense. The idea that the whole system of education is shifting now is a vast topic and he supports it very well. The real-life examples that he gives are meaningful and relate to the listener.
  2. What are the speaker's effective speaking techniques? Sir Ken Robinson's speaking techniques and presentation styles are possibly the most notable aspects of this TED Talk. The speaker's tone goes up and down at appropriate times and he has a rhythm to the way he speaks his sentences. And he gives information in short bursts and then concludes portions of information with witty remarks.
  3. What is his/her presentation style? He effectively reaches out to the audience by telling jokes and making them laugh. He also asks questions to the audience therefore including them in his speech. That makes them feel important - like the speaker cares about the audience's opinion. He tells stories about his children and relates them to his topic which penetrates people with sensitivity.
  4. What matters from this video? How does it connect to you personally? To education? To the world? This video is significantly exemplary of great speaking techniques that really reach out to the audience and grab their attention. The way he presents information by telling jokes at the end giving facts is critical to keep the audience's attention. His speech has many connections to the world. I liked his example of the successful dancer. I am a dancer and wish to continue as a dancer and bring my talent to my adult career, and it is reassuring to know that dancers can make sufficient funds.

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